PIANOPLAN, initially designed to carry up pianos on the stairs, has now become the indispensable companion to all those that move heavy and bulky loads: safes, copy machines, drink dispensers, archives, compressors, air conditioners, appliances and motors for elevators. Easy to use, requires the presence of a single operator, thus optimizing the performance of activities.
Available in standard or horizontal or vertical version, Pianoplan has a sliding and tilting floor depending on the model. It has a range up to about 50 floors and a maximum capacity of 600 kg.
Bruno Kräuchi, CTE Swiss customer for 15 years mand owner of KONZERTSERVICE, deals with services for concerts throughout Switzerland almost on a daily base handles and transports pianos. He operates primarily for the Tonhalle Zurich and Bern Kulturcasino for international musicians such as Chick Corea jazz musicians, Abdullah Ibrahim, Maria João Pires. Currently has 4 Pianoplans. Here’s how he described Pianoplan “For my work is indispensable. In Switzerland, the labor is very expensive, so an equipment like Pianoplan is crucial because it allows you to deal with some of the work yourself with the only support of the platform. It is also a safe and very easy to use equipment. Often you have to deal with difficult situations, where dimensions play an important role in the transport of heavy and precious loads goods. ”
For more information on PIANOPLAN: https://www.ctelift.com/en/categoria/Pianoplan_7.aspx