A German Open Day for CTE

Last 11th May, CTE organized a Open Day for German customers in the CTE Rivoli Veronese plant.

A delegation of 50 German customers from all over the Germany, accompanied by the CTE German dealer Hematec GmbH, has spent 3 days in the CTE plant of Rivoli Veronese (VR) dedicated to product demos, visits to production and even enjoyment on Garda Lake area.

The visit to the production consisted in discovering the real source of aerial platforms ZED, TRACCESS and B-LIFT and has been enriched with a visit to the headquarters of Green Car Ponti sul Mincio (MN), the painting workshop for CTE. Specialized in industrial powder and liquid coating, , the company has offered the opportunity to show the various methods painting directly on CTE TRACCESS and ZED machines.
The machines presented and made available for demos in Rivoli Veronese has been chosen to satisfy the curiosity and needs of the guests: truck-mounted platforms ZED 21 JH, ZED 20 C, ZED 20 CH, ZED 26 JH, B-LIFT 20.13 MULTIPURPOSE, B-LIFT 201 and B-LIFT 501 High Range, the spiders track mounted TRACCESS 170 and TRACCESS 230, and the powered low-level access POWER TOWER NANO.

Great interest for the ZED 21 JH, that represents the meeting between the peculiarities of the ZED 21 J (21 m working height with jib 2.1 m), the CTE patented stabilization system with connecting rods, and the concept of increased capacity presented recently with the ZED 20 CSH. The machine is configured in an optimal manner, both from the technical and operative point of view, in order to have a load of 300 kg on the basket over the entire working area without limitations. This means that anyone can work with a small footprint on the road, less than 3 m in width, without any way impair the safety and the performance, thanks to the zero “footprint tail”. This lets you use this machine to its full capacity and in a range of varied applications. The loading of 300 kg in the basket is a great news for the platforms market sector, as is the only one that allow 300 kg of loading capacity at 21 m of working height (B driver license). The boom is being completely redesigned, more compact and less bulky: now is in fact parallel to the articulated arm. Then the jib: the inclination of the jib has been increased by 30 ° in positive, from 110 ° to 145 °, the modification was made to make more flexible use of the boom to particular jobs, such as the trusses. The tubes are positioned inside the boom and result to be repaired and then protected. At the end, to ensure better visibility and to be more user-friendly, the controls are positioned tilted towards the operator and repaired by a new cover panel, more ergonomic of the previous versions.

“The opportunity of sharing important moments like this with so many guests interested in our activities and our products it’s always been a source of pride for CTE: we put on display our machines, provided technical information and practical tests to show all the CTE products characteristics”, says Michele Hillbrand, sales manager of the German area. “Today is the result of the relationship, born may years ago, that we are continually consolidating with Germany with increasing effectiveness, a synergy that is giving us much satisfaction. Our dealer in Dresden Hematec GMBH is for us a precious window on the interesting German market.”

In addition to this interesting visit, for German customers had been organised some pleasant events: a sailing excursion on Garda lake aboard a vintage boat and some moments dedicated to Italian cuisine.
The combination of demos, training and leisure has been a success, guests in fact were enthusiastic and confirmed their interest in CTE. 

For more info about Hematec GmbH: www.hematec-online.de